
Ontem, quando o dia e a noite tiveram exactamente o mesmo comprimento, foi momento de Poesiewerkstatt na Baumhaus. São sempre noites de uma simplicidade e criatividade sem igual. Um grande obrigada à Maria Magraff. Objectivo do workshop: poetas juntam-se para meditar e escrever. Conclusão: amor em forma lexical.
Partilho convosco um dos poemas que escrevi. Feliz dia da Poesia!


The chemistry class.
The solvent swallowing the colourful powders.
Apparently, you solve something by the act of mixing and stirring.

New molecules and patterns.
Immediate stimulation for the eyes.

"So, is the solution always a breakthrough?" - I asked.
"Or, there are not enough substances in the universe to allow for endless possibilities?"
"Maybe breakthroughs are only repetitions of solutions already tried, but once forgotten".

The chemistry class.
I burned my hand while juggling semantical games.
The teacher wasn't pleased. She has no solution for me, she said.
I will always be useless as a scientist!
The door closes me behind. There's so much I don't know, 
However, I am sure her conclusion was no breakthrough.


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