Writing Inspired by Art - Distant Bond by Valentina Emilia Bossert

Last friday, the 10th of May I had the opportunity to join an amazingly inspiring workshop led by the great writer/poet/performer/podcaster Rhea Ramjohn titled - Writing inspired by art - in The Workshop.  During this workshop a small group of very talented writers had the opportunity to create written work based on a dialogue established with the artistic work of Valentina Emilia Bossert (Distant Bond). So much learning and what a fascinating dialogue was also established between the participants written work and inner landscapes and imaginations!
Here, I am posting the two poems I wrote based on two drawings from Valentina's series Archaeologies (2019).

(Archaeologies (2019) by Valentina Emilia Bossert)

Broken globe open as a black hole

Line is curved in a black and white open shape.
It is either universal or terrestrial.
Infinite volume allowing a view into the cosmos.
Broken history of colonization.
Promises of new travel routes and wonders.

The broken aspects as signaling the perils,
the menace of abuse
contrasting with the promise of adventure and endless discovery.

What once was only Earth, became Solar System,
and afterwards universe and then quantum mechanics.
You can see bones as a supporting structure.
After all, the things known only exist when there are conscious minds to report it.

If you follow the line closely you will see a rattle.
Universe is a toy for the the human mind.
Earth is a toy for human creativity and destruction instinct.

If focusing on Earth makes us selfish,
Can the fascination with infinity convert us into generosity?

(Archaeologies (2019) by Valentina Emilia Bossert)

Banana melting in amber ice cube

Shapes under shapes melting shapes.
Ice melting or epidermis layers exposed in a biology book?

Banana shaped or a broken tree?
Is it melting or is it resting?
If you have chosen it to be ice, then it will break and perish.
In that case you have decided to look into life itself.
If you have perceived it to be amber, you have chosen eternity, preservation.

Eye of the beholder or predetermined by the artist hand?
How fixed can a shape be?

The shape does not escape freudian slips.
An hungry person like me will see the banana first,
but a full stomach will immediately be pulled to see a tree.

Conclusion: There is no shape besides the shape of your eye
when you decide to enter the gallery,
and look into the banana melting in amber ice cube.


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