Pleasure or procedure?
Mouth convulsions centrifuge my north, south, east and west. Tongue swirls or an f sharp hurting on the throat of the soloist. Our table, loosen bottles, hands tied in by the mouths. In my bravery your dragging. An unexpected street sprouts without warning. From enchantment towards deception with no time to eat dessert. No time to slurp you senselessly, surrounded by the sweet aroma of recently washed sheets. The ceiling stares back at me, waiting for your mouth to give up, hoping nothing escapes from mine, neither teaching or insult, which could interrupt or impede the foolishly intense desire of sleeping next to you. Original Version (Portuguese) Espasmos de boca centrifugando o meu norte, sul, este, oeste Rodopio de língua ou um fá sustenido doendo na garganta do solista. Na mesa as garrafas soltas, as mãos presas pelas bocas. Na minha coragem o teu arrasto, súbita rua emergindo sem aviso. ...